Thursday 3 February 2011

So what's it all about?

The Underground Alliance and Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder are very pleased to present:

Seven Churches - Volume I

To call Hopkins and I musical obsessives is the understatement of the century.....
This is who you are when you a) Spend more money on records than you do on underpants b) Risk alienating your loved ones by spending more time at The Underworld than sitting at home watching movies with the missus c) Can play airbass to whole of Jerusalem by Sleep

But we fucking love it....

It would seem that Britain is spoilt with a great wealth of bands, perhaps its the mood or the weather, well whatever it is, we want to showcase it. We are hoping to make this into a continuous series of events, using bands not strictly from the norm and whom very rarely get an opportunity to play somewhere like Kingston upon Thames.

Black/Doom/Drone/Death/Sludge/Prog/Funeral - anything goes

So what do you get when you cross 8 bands, a jukebox full of Maiden, hand pumped ales, 36 Saint Vitus T Shirts, Zine and Merch fares and probably the entire beard population of England.

Seven Churches - Volume I (The Beginning)

Keep checking this blog over the coming months for band additions, updates and other information, if you have any questions just contact us.

Cheers Josh and Matt